Warren Hope
A Me Of I
There is a me of I who’s deaf to no,
Who comprehends no can’t, who wrongs no right,
Who calls good morning to each new good night,
And grows more childish as in years I grow.
There is a me of I who times no tell—
Cracks earthy death jokes at a funeral,
Offers condolences when birthdays toll,
At Easter toasts the best year yet for all.
Climbing the axis as the seasons swing,
He ploughs and plants his seedlings every fall,
He sings and reaps his harvest every spring,
Then spends each summer swimming seas of snow; And when the I of me lies down to die
He’ll smile to gathered loved ones his hello.
About Warren
Warren Hope, a former writing tutor in the CAE and adjunct instructor at Holy Family, is the editor of an anthology entitled A Movement of Minds: Nine American Poets of the Late Nineteenth Century, published by Greenwich Exchange of London, England.